CubeCold Moerdijk operates more sustainably with lower energy costs thanks to the implementation of an Energy Management System. CubeCold is active in refrigeration and freezer storage. They use high-quality cooling systems to keep goods at the right temperature.
As the company grew, the complexity of the energy system increased. They used a new purchasing strategy for electricity from the grid, installed solar panels and used generators when other energy sources were not available. The interaction between these energy sources was not yet optimal. This resulted in inefficiencies and higher operational costs.
CubeCold Moerdijk's big wish was an Energy Management System (EMS) that seamlessly matched the functioning of the cooling systems. Cooling and freezing continues day and night. That is why it was a requirement that the system was constantly the most cost-efficient and uses a sustainable energy source. First renewable energy sources, then the grid and finally expensive generators.
“With the implementation of the EMS, we have not only reduced our energy costs, but also reduced our CO2 emissions.” - Frans van Helden - CFO CubeCold.
QING implemented an advanced Energy Management System (EMS) that helps CubeCold Moerdijk optimize energy use.
The EMS has led to significant savings and ensures a more sustainable and efficient use of energy at CubeCold Moerdijk:
The EMS ensures that CubeCold Moerdijk can operate more sustainably without sacrificing the production process. It offers extensive options for simulating and optimizing energy consumption, so that costs can be further reduced and the environmental impact is reduced.
CubeCold Moerdijk looks forward to awarding additional grid capacity and further development of the EMS as an additional reduction in operational costs.
The company plans to replace current diesel generators with cleaner methanol generators, which will provide even more cost savings and environmental benefits. The EMS provides a solid basis for future growth and energy security.